'To get the cell value from .xls file workbook you can use the following function directly by passing the following parameters:
'file is the path of the excel file (string)
'sheet is the name of sheet (workbook) (string)
'row and colum are the index of cell's row and column for which you need to get the value (int)
Function GetExcelData(file,sheet,row,colum)
Dim xlApp, xlFile, xlSheet,val
dim iRowCount,iColCount,cLoop
Set xlApp = CreateObject ("Excel.Application") 'Create access object
Set xlFile = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(file)
'Open the excel file,like"C:\myTestData.xls"
Set xlSheet = xlFile.Sheets(sheet) 'Set the sheet name in which the testdata locates
iRowCount = row
iColCount = colum
For rLoop = 1 To iRowCount 'Fetch value from the first row to the last row
'For cLoop = 1 To iColCount ' If you want to get the value cell-to-cell, you can add this line code
'numAdd = numAdd&" "&xlSheet.Cells(rLoop,cLoop)
GetExcelData = xlSheet.Cells(rLoop,colum)
Set xlSheet = Nothing
Set xlFile = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
end function
You can also use this function to get all the values in a row for all the columns in excel file or vice versa by passing rows or column accordingly.
eg: to get all the values in all the rows for column(index=2), call the function in this way:
'row_count is the row count of the .xls file.
sub main
for row = 1 to row_count
msgbox(cstr(GetExcelData(path,sheet, row,2)))
end sub
'To get all the values in all the columns in row (index = 2) , all the function in this way:
'col_count is the row count of the .xls file.
sub main
for col = 1 to col_count
msgbox(cstr(GetExcelData(path,sheet, 2,col)))
end sub